Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Birds Are Building Nests

I think the image above is 80% disturbing and 20% cute.
I woke up this morning with an unusual spring in my step and cooked breakfast for the whole family. Part of the reason for this was due to the fact that I ate the last of the Life cereal last night for dinner and I knew Carolina would not have anything to eat this morning. So I got my buns out of bed and prepared eggs, bacon and biscuits for my fam. They all enjoyed it very much and I really need to do it more often.
Lately, Jason has been able to get up and have breakfast with the kids before heading off to work and he has also been coming home for lunch every day. Sometimes he brings me home a yummy treat and sometimes he does not. It is always nice to see him in the middle of the day, especially yesterday when I had a very important website to show him that could not possibly wait until after 5:30 pm. He will not be working in the main office forever, but I am really enjoying the time with him while it lasts. I like JDC a lot. He's good people.
This week has been kind of S ~L~O~W and there are, of course, no new babies yet. Tomorrow I go to my weekly appt. with Dr. K and we will probably set up my induction. I am actually very okay with not having the baby within the next two weeks because they are going to FLY by! There are Easter egg hunts and class parties and Junior League meetings and Children's Council meetings and school musicals and Easter pageants and dentist appointments and Gumbo lunches to attend. Lots and lots of things to keep me busy and it will just be easier if the baby can hold off a while. But we shall see what happens.
Tomorrow I am having lunch with E and K, my high school friends, and I am very excited about this. For now, I must go fold laundry and clean the kitchen. Adios!


Archibald said...

I forget how the whole birds are building nests thing goes. "With twigs and mud and ..."

Nat D said...

100% creepy, 0% cute

j-ro said...

I've been seeing miss caroline at school every day with her cute haircut!

Elizabeth H. said...

No sausage?