Wednesday, March 12, 2008


1. I am so ecstatic that 101 Dalmatians came out on DVD. I absolutely loved this movie as a child and am so glad I can share it with my kids. Caroline watched it last night and was telling me this morning how much she loved it and is planning on watching it again today after school.
2. My friend Ashley is having a baby today and I am so very happy for her. This is her fourth child, but her first biological child.
3. I love our new chair. Last night, I sat in it and read my new issue of Glamour that came in the mail and also watched the 3rd installment of one of my favorite reality shows: Ultimate Coyote Search. This season almost slipped under my nose and I would have been terribly sad if I had missed it.

1 comment:

Nat D said...

Ultimate Coyote Search? What the?