Monday, March 10, 2008


I always dislike it when the time changes. It takes me a while to adjust. The kids are tired too. I know Caroline has got to be exhausted after a full day at school and William walked in the door and took off to his room, saying "Bye, Mama. I am going to take a nap." as soon as he got home from school.
You know what I hate? When you buy a present for somebody and then you find something else that they would like better and it is too late. Today I bought a birthday present for Jason's nephew, Kevin, who is turning 8 on Thursday. I don't know a whole lot (really anything) about 8 year old boys so I just picked some random thing that looked kind of cool. And then after I already paid for it, I was walking around the store while the lady was gift wrapping it. I saw a track the weather kit that Kevin would probably really like (according to his dad, he is obsessed with the weather) but by then the other gift was already wrapped and it was too late! Oh well. We owe him a Christmas present so maybe I will just give it to him another time.
Um... um.... what else. I am stuck at 2 cm and probably going to have the baby next Wednesday or Thursday. And I am tired, tired, tired. Damn Time Change!


Nat D said...

DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!!!!!! I'm going to start throwing some punch bowls up in heah!

j-ro said...

f*ck the time change- pardon my german. does kiki read this?

how, HOW do you not have the baby when you are 2 cm? Does that mean you will most likely have her quickly? I was beggin for meds at 2 cm!

Annie said...

Maybe you will dilate to 10 cm in under an hour. I am crossing my fingers for you!!

Archibald said...

I HATE the time change. Yesterday, I was 45 minutes late for work because I forgot to change the time on my alarm clock, and damn it, it was still dark outside.

How do you like the name Nerf for a girl?

Katherine C. said...

Annie, it wouldn't be the first time.