Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Heat Is On

Why oh why am I so freaking HOT?? Oh yeah, I am 9 months pregnant. But seriously, it didn't even get out of the 50's today and I was one hot mama. I wish I could spend the remainder of my pregnancy in my underwear. How am I going to handle menopause?
My husband has had a terrible sinus type migraine for the past 2 days. Oh ick. This is seriously interfering with my nesting.
OKay, my kids are spazzing out and I need to go feed them. Will write mo later.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Too Tired to Post Much

Yuck. I am so tired today, I don't know what to do with myself. I did go to my aunt's house this morning and she is giving me a couch and a chair and it was much more attractive than I expected and in perfect condition so I am very happy about that!
We had a pretty enjoyable weekend, nothing too exciting happened except eating lunch at Dearman's and meeting Maryliz and Madeleine at the park. Jason is sick (yes, again) and was WAY overdramatic about it all weekend.
I did have some contractions over the weekend but nothing alarming and they have since stopped.
I watched a bit of the Oscars but got bored and switched to the Girls Next Door. Then I got sleepy and went to sleep.
I am really just too tired to post anymore.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Today has been a good day.
Most importantly, William does not have pneumonia. Only bronchitis. He is feeling a lot better and still coughing a bit, but not nearly as bad or as often.
And guess what? I. AM. DILATED. Only 1 cm, but this is so exciting because I have never, ever been dilated before. Dr. K said he could feel the baby's head and everything! Quite a bit of progress from last week, huh?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What a harrowing day

I wish I looked as fit and firm as the above woman looks in her stressed out state.
So around 10:30 this morning, I loaded up the minivan with my 2 children and we headed to Dr. Traci's office in a huge rainstorm. We got to the clinic and of course had to park in what was probably the farthest parking place from the door. Of course, my umbrella is broken so we had to walk in the rain. I had to carry William and he is a heavy boy. By the time we got to the door, we were soaked. We went in the bathroom and made a half-assed attempt to dry off with paper towels, but it didn't really work out.
We got called back to a room fairly quickly but then we had to wait a L O N G time before Dr. Traci finally got to us. She apologized profusely and said she had been admitting another patient to the hospital. Poor other patient! She then examined Caroline and said she definitely is "hiving." And yes, it is an allergic reaction to the Omnicef she has been taking since last week. She gave her some Allegra and said the sinus infection is not completely gone so she prescribed some Zithromax. C feels pretty much fine so I am fairly certain she will return to school tomorrow. Then it was time to examine poor William. She heard some "crackling" in his chest which means he either has a) bronchitis or b) pneumonia. Knowing that W will not take oral antibiotics (her own son named William was the same way), Dr. Traci said she would give him a shot of Rocephin. Have any of you ever had a Rocephin shot? I have not personally had one, but the needles are big and it supposedly burns a lot and is quite painful for little kids. It took 3 adults (2 nurses and me) to hold the big boy down and he screamed and cried. If you have ever had to hold your child down for a shot or any other unpleasant medical procedure, you know that this ranks up there with one of the suckiest things on the planet. Afterwards, both C and W got lemon suckers and picked out stickers. Caroline took forever to choose her stickers, acting as if she was a young man choosing an engagement ring before he proposes marriage. I finally told her to get moving and we headed to the lab.
At the lab, Caroline and I could not go in the X-ray room with Weebs because I am with child and C has delicate reproductive parts. So my poor 3 year old, who was already traumatized by a shot, had to go back in the X-Ray room without his mommy. He handled it like a champ though and did not cry. However, when I was allowed back in and he saw me, he cried and cried. My poor baby. I love that kid so much it is painful.
Now we are back at home and W is limping around and surly. I slipped some Motrin in his juice cup and hopefully that will kick in soon and make his leg feel better. I am
anxiously awaiting the X-ray results. If it is bronchitis, the one shot today will suffice. If anything else shows up on the X-ray, he will need 2 more shots. I am not sure if either of us can physically or emotionally handle this. Please cross all fingers that it is just good old bronchitis.

Sausage Links

I can't wait to purchase the book shown above for my children.
So I was helping dress Caroline a little while ago and I noticed that she has hives all over her chest and back. Nice! It is probably an allergic reaction to the antibiotic she is on. Of course, we have no Benadryl in the house. I am keeping her home from school this morning and going to bring her with us to William's appointment with Dr. Traci in a little while and let her take a look. I think Mrs. C (the headmistress) would freak out if I sent Caroline to school all broken out in hives. Poor kid is itchy too. She was despondent about missing school but I told her that maybe she can go at lunch time.
William coughed a whole lot last night and due to my nephew's visit to the ER on Tuesday night, Jason and I decided to let him sleep in our bed. Which turned out to be a mistake and several times I ended up with a little pair of feet in my cheek. Around 2:00 am, Jason could not take it anymore and put William back in his own bed. I must admit, I was much more comfortable. However, earlier in the night, I was snuggling with Weebs and kissing his little head and thinking about how fast he is growing up and what a sweet and cute little boy he is. And then I realized that so0n our new baby will be here and Big Willie and I won't have as much one on one time with him anymore. For the past 2 years, we have had a lot of time to hang out together, just the two of us, while Caroline has been at school. And that makes me feel a little sad. I guess it is okay if this baby wants to hold off for a few weeks and I will just enjoy the last few weeks of Willie-time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Hump Day!

Today was a pretty good day. Caroline's play was very cute. It is Famous Americans Week at her school and every year the Kindergarten puts on a play about America. The kids all knew their lines so well and not a single one of them froze. A good job was done by all! I am really proud of Caroline, she did a great job and spoke very clearly.
After the play, William and I went to the grocery store. I must say, William is an excellent grocery shopping companion. He is so enthusiastic about everything I put in the cart. "Applesauce! I LOVE applesauce!" and "Bananas are yummy!" He did tell me that he had an itchy "fenis" in the middle of the frozen foods, but nobody heard. He was very excited that I purchased both he and Caroline a new Snoopy toothbrush.
Poor William is sick though. He has been coughing pretty bad for 2 days and was running fever when he woke up from his nap. So we have to go see Dr. Traci tomorrow morning and see what is up. Maybe she will look at my throat too.
In other news, nobody was rude or negative about my pregnancy at school today. In fact, all the moms said things like "March 22? That's just around the corner!" Which once again supports my theory that it is mostly post-menopausal women who make negative comments to young expectant mothers.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Voices Carry

I have not had much of a voice since Saturday. I feel okay but my voice is pretty much gone. This is very frustrating to me because I talk A LOT. And I need my voice! I also have a cough.

In other news, Caroline is going to be in a play tomorrow called "Proud to Be Americans." She will wear a bonnet and talk about the Gold Rush.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The countdown has begun

After leaving Dr. K's office on Friday morning, I felt a lot like the above picture. So now I am seeing Dr. K once a week and will continue to do so until Baby Emily comes soaring into the world. This means I have internal exams every week and he can tell me if we are making any progress. So here is the news:

Location of Baby: to quote Dr. K ... "High in the sky" This means she has NOT dropped into the birth canal yet.
Dilation: 0 cm
Effacement: 0 cm

Waaa! Oh well, it is still a bit early but I had been hoping he would say I was dilated a little bit or something.
I go back next Friday so I'll let you all know if anything changes.

Rude People

I haven't posted in so long, I don't even know where to start. So I think I will just recap the rude comments people have made to me this week regarding my pregnancy. What the fuck is wrong with people? I must say, most of these comments have been made by post-menopausal women. For example, here is a conversation I had today outside of church:
Random Old Lady: "When is your baby due?"
Me: "Oh, around March 22."
ROL: " Oh no! So you have a while then."
Me: "I guess. About 5 weeks."
ROL: "Yes, but 5 weeks is a long time."
Me: "Well, compared to 40 weeks, no, not really."
ROL: (sighs) "I remember those days. Those last 5 weeks."
Me: (gestures in direction of Caroline and William) "Yes, I do too."

On Tuesday, I was accosted by a midget at William's Valentine's Day Party. I think she was somebody's grandmother, I had never seen her before.
Midget grandmother: "When is your baby due?"
Me: "March 22."
MG: "MARCH 22??????? (she acts as if I said July 22nd). YOU MEAN YOU STILL HAVE ALL OF FEBRUARY TO GO???? 2 MONTHS???????"
Me: (feeling a little depressed now): "Well, about 6 weeks. Maybe less." <--- flares nostrils and walks away.

I have also had two friends say:
" Have you gained much weight this time? Because after you had Caroline, you were some kind of woman."
" Oh, you are only 35 weeks? You're pretty big to only be 35 weeks don't you think?"

I must say that one of these so-called friends was male and the other is female but has no children, so they are slightly excused. But seriously? If you are a) a mother, post-menopausal age or not or b) a man that has a child so you have dealt with a pregnant woman before YOU SHOULD KNOW SO MUCH BETTER.

I am sure I will get many more comments between now and March 22. It is becoming almost comical. I will keep you all posted.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Another Exciting Friday Night

And here I sit at Kiki's house, because we are still banished from our home. The weather was very lovely today and I took the kids to the park this afternoon and we stayed for a nice long time. I knew we had been there long enough because I told William that it was time to leave and he did not protest, he has to get his fill or else he throws a huge fit. They both got nice and filthy and we came home and took baths and ate pizza and now they are both fast asleep. Kiki is at her usual Friday night dinner date with Gigi, Chi Chi, Frank and Ridley.
Tomorrow I will be 34 weeks pregnant. I am reaching that point where I am starting to just have enough. My ankles are swollen, my face is puffy and fat, my back hurts and last night I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't move because my back hurt so bad. I really had to go to the bathroom but I couldn't get up. I kind of wanted to cry and I wished Jason was there to pull me out of bed or roll me on my side or something. In 3 weeks, baby will be full term and I am going to start making Jason do it with me every day, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, and walking a whole hell of a lot to try and start labor. My hopes are not high though. I have never been dilated or effaced or anything... as I have mentioned before I have had to be induced in the past and nobody has ever tried to exit my womb early, so why should she?
Apparently Caroline has been having some issues with the impending birth of her little sister. I am not sure what is going through her little head but I do know she is a very anxious child so I signed us up for a class for kids ages 4-8 that are getting a new sibling. Of course, she already has a sibling but she was not even 3 when he was born so maybe she does not remember? Anyway, I am hoping the class will get her excited. The kids play with dolls and have a tour of the hospital and watch a movie. She seems really excited about it. Poor Caroline... her life has been kind of in an upheaval since September with Jason being gone and now we are about to sell our house and move into another one ( as soon as we find one) AND she is getting a new sibling. I guess a lot to deal with for somebody who is not even 6 years old.
Well, I think I am going to go watch some TV and read the Chelsea Handler autobiography that Frank and Ridley gave my mom for Christmas. I keep reading bits and pieces and I am almost finished. I will write more later on such exciting topics as the Hannah Montana 3-D movie and my love for Valentine's Day. Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Name Game

Most of you know that the name of our new baby girl is going to be Emily Katherine. We decided this pretty much right when we found out we were expecting #3. I did go through a phase when I really, really liked the name Julie (and was promptly shot down by my spouse, but I still like it) and Jason did suggest Sarah Frances, but I always, always, ALWAYS wanted her middle name to be Katherine. Katherine is my name (and hell, I am the one that is carrying and giving birth to her), my mother's name is Kay (a nickname for Katherine), my grandmother's middle name was Katherine, my great-grandmother's first name was Katherine, Katherine sounds really good with Emily, etc. etc. etc. The Emily is from my cousin, whom most of you knew personally, who passed away a few years ago. We had a complicated relationship (that is a whole other blog) but I loved her and I am glad to have the chance to name my bebe after her.
ANYWAY.... this morning Jason informed me that he wants Emily's middle name to be Calvert, which is his mother's maiden name. UM, HELL TO THE NO! Caroline is named for his mother (Carole) and even if she was not, NO NO NO NO NO!!! Usually I try to be very considerate of Jason's feelings and compromise but this just pissed me off!!! I refuse to concede on this issue! Emily Katherine it will remain!

Happy Mardi Gras!

Happy Mardi Gras Everyone! I wish that I was at a parade with a large daiquiri or margarita in hand, but obviously that is not going to happen today. Also, Caroline has bronchitis and is running fever. I had to take both children to the doctor yesterday and William has the beginning of a sinus infection and we got some medicine for him, which he promptly threw up all over me last night. So I guess he is going to have to get another round of Rocephin shots, we'll see how it goes.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm Baaaack

Well, it has been a while since my last post. I am back for a few days at least. We (me, Caroline, and William) have been staying at Kiki's house since last week because our house was being painted. Now it is all finished and it looks fantastic so Jason said we could come home for a few days. But we have to leave again on Wednesday so he can steam clean the carpets and our couch.
So here is what has been going on:
1. I FINALLY saw Juno and loved it! Jason loved it too.
2. I went to Dr. K on Friday and he said my blood sugars look so good that now I only have to test ONCE A DAY! Yippee!
3. As I mentioned before, our house has been painted. We hope to put it on the market soon and our house hunt continues.
4. Heather, my SIL, had a 4-D ultrasound and she is definitely having a girl.
5. My baby girl should be here in about 7 weeks. Maybe less, maybe more.
6. Caroline and I saw ANNIE on Friday night and it was W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L! We both loved it! Although, my date did fall asleep towards the end. But hell, it did not start until 8:00 pm and besides, we all know that Daddy Warbucks adopts Annie at the end.
We saw the following exciting people at the play:
a. Bobby Jindal, our new governor. He and his family sat on our row!
b. Dr. K and his daughter
c. Maryliz and Madeleine
d. Mrs. Lee, my 9th grade Algebra teacher

I think that is all the news for now. I am sad that we missed Mardi Gras this year but am glad that I can drink again soon. HAPPY MARDI GRAS everyone!!