Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sausage Links

I can't wait to purchase the book shown above for my children.
So I was helping dress Caroline a little while ago and I noticed that she has hives all over her chest and back. Nice! It is probably an allergic reaction to the antibiotic she is on. Of course, we have no Benadryl in the house. I am keeping her home from school this morning and going to bring her with us to William's appointment with Dr. Traci in a little while and let her take a look. I think Mrs. C (the headmistress) would freak out if I sent Caroline to school all broken out in hives. Poor kid is itchy too. She was despondent about missing school but I told her that maybe she can go at lunch time.
William coughed a whole lot last night and due to my nephew's visit to the ER on Tuesday night, Jason and I decided to let him sleep in our bed. Which turned out to be a mistake and several times I ended up with a little pair of feet in my cheek. Around 2:00 am, Jason could not take it anymore and put William back in his own bed. I must admit, I was much more comfortable. However, earlier in the night, I was snuggling with Weebs and kissing his little head and thinking about how fast he is growing up and what a sweet and cute little boy he is. And then I realized that so0n our new baby will be here and Big Willie and I won't have as much one on one time with him anymore. For the past 2 years, we have had a lot of time to hang out together, just the two of us, while Caroline has been at school. And that makes me feel a little sad. I guess it is okay if this baby wants to hold off for a few weeks and I will just enjoy the last few weeks of Willie-time.

1 comment:

Nat D said...

It was an all-around sucky day. I'll keep my fingers crossed for bronchitis, though that sucks too! Hopefully his itchy phenis has stopped itching.