Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm Baaaack

Well, it has been a while since my last post. I am back for a few days at least. We (me, Caroline, and William) have been staying at Kiki's house since last week because our house was being painted. Now it is all finished and it looks fantastic so Jason said we could come home for a few days. But we have to leave again on Wednesday so he can steam clean the carpets and our couch.
So here is what has been going on:
1. I FINALLY saw Juno and loved it! Jason loved it too.
2. I went to Dr. K on Friday and he said my blood sugars look so good that now I only have to test ONCE A DAY! Yippee!
3. As I mentioned before, our house has been painted. We hope to put it on the market soon and our house hunt continues.
4. Heather, my SIL, had a 4-D ultrasound and she is definitely having a girl.
5. My baby girl should be here in about 7 weeks. Maybe less, maybe more.
6. Caroline and I saw ANNIE on Friday night and it was W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L! We both loved it! Although, my date did fall asleep towards the end. But hell, it did not start until 8:00 pm and besides, we all know that Daddy Warbucks adopts Annie at the end.
We saw the following exciting people at the play:
a. Bobby Jindal, our new governor. He and his family sat on our row!
b. Dr. K and his daughter
c. Maryliz and Madeleine
d. Mrs. Lee, my 9th grade Algebra teacher

I think that is all the news for now. I am sad that we missed Mardi Gras this year but am glad that I can drink again soon. HAPPY MARDI GRAS everyone!!


Clinton Gene Healey said...

Happy Mardi Gras to you! I was thinking that I really wanted to make a King Cake- using my bread machine- but who has the time. I am very nauseaous today and still suffering from this GD ear ache!

Elizabeth H. said...

I am so glad that your blood sugar is so good. That testing can't be fun. What is H going to name her baby?

Jud said...

Glad you are back and healthy. My wife's second pregnancy was a bit of a struggle.

Hang in there, sounds like it won't be too long now.

Nat D said...

I can't believe Jason wanted to paint the house. How many coats did it take us to do the dining room? like 400?

Katherine C. said...

Nanny, Todd Crafton painted our front room and I am not sure how many coats it took but it looks GREAT!

Nat D said...

Todd Crafton is an expert painter. And he wears tanktops and cologne.