Friday, February 8, 2008

Another Exciting Friday Night

And here I sit at Kiki's house, because we are still banished from our home. The weather was very lovely today and I took the kids to the park this afternoon and we stayed for a nice long time. I knew we had been there long enough because I told William that it was time to leave and he did not protest, he has to get his fill or else he throws a huge fit. They both got nice and filthy and we came home and took baths and ate pizza and now they are both fast asleep. Kiki is at her usual Friday night dinner date with Gigi, Chi Chi, Frank and Ridley.
Tomorrow I will be 34 weeks pregnant. I am reaching that point where I am starting to just have enough. My ankles are swollen, my face is puffy and fat, my back hurts and last night I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't move because my back hurt so bad. I really had to go to the bathroom but I couldn't get up. I kind of wanted to cry and I wished Jason was there to pull me out of bed or roll me on my side or something. In 3 weeks, baby will be full term and I am going to start making Jason do it with me every day, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, and walking a whole hell of a lot to try and start labor. My hopes are not high though. I have never been dilated or effaced or anything... as I have mentioned before I have had to be induced in the past and nobody has ever tried to exit my womb early, so why should she?
Apparently Caroline has been having some issues with the impending birth of her little sister. I am not sure what is going through her little head but I do know she is a very anxious child so I signed us up for a class for kids ages 4-8 that are getting a new sibling. Of course, she already has a sibling but she was not even 3 when he was born so maybe she does not remember? Anyway, I am hoping the class will get her excited. The kids play with dolls and have a tour of the hospital and watch a movie. She seems really excited about it. Poor Caroline... her life has been kind of in an upheaval since September with Jason being gone and now we are about to sell our house and move into another one ( as soon as we find one) AND she is getting a new sibling. I guess a lot to deal with for somebody who is not even 6 years old.
Well, I think I am going to go watch some TV and read the Chelsea Handler autobiography that Frank and Ridley gave my mom for Christmas. I keep reading bits and pieces and I am almost finished. I will write more later on such exciting topics as the Hannah Montana 3-D movie and my love for Valentine's Day. Have a great weekend!!


Nat D said...

I saw Ridley walking home from his friends house at 9:00 am. I was doing yardwork.

Elizabeth H. said...

What is the earliest that Dr. K will induce you?

Elizabeth H. said...

I want to hear about the Hannah Montana movie!!!!