Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Name Game

Most of you know that the name of our new baby girl is going to be Emily Katherine. We decided this pretty much right when we found out we were expecting #3. I did go through a phase when I really, really liked the name Julie (and was promptly shot down by my spouse, but I still like it) and Jason did suggest Sarah Frances, but I always, always, ALWAYS wanted her middle name to be Katherine. Katherine is my name (and hell, I am the one that is carrying and giving birth to her), my mother's name is Kay (a nickname for Katherine), my grandmother's middle name was Katherine, my great-grandmother's first name was Katherine, Katherine sounds really good with Emily, etc. etc. etc. The Emily is from my cousin, whom most of you knew personally, who passed away a few years ago. We had a complicated relationship (that is a whole other blog) but I loved her and I am glad to have the chance to name my bebe after her.
ANYWAY.... this morning Jason informed me that he wants Emily's middle name to be Calvert, which is his mother's maiden name. UM, HELL TO THE NO! Caroline is named for his mother (Carole) and even if she was not, NO NO NO NO NO!!! Usually I try to be very considerate of Jason's feelings and compromise but this just pissed me off!!! I refuse to concede on this issue! Emily Katherine it will remain!


Nat D said...

dude, the name katherine totally sucks, I'm on Team Jason. And you know I'm kidding. You can't just pop up this far along and suggest a name when we've all known it was Emily Katherine all along. And Julie is cute too, but Julia is more fun to say.

Elizabeth H. said...

I agree with Natalie, you can't just decide this late in the game that you want her middle name to be Calvert.

Anonymous said...

I always think that dads should have veto power over girls' names, but let the moms decide and vice versa for boys. Besides, if you throw a name like "Calvert" in the mix now, Kay will be very disappointed you didn't utilize all those family names she suggested to you the first two times around.

Jud said...

What about a middle ground? Something like Britney, Paris, or Lindsay?

Just kidding. My wife was largely in charge of the kid naming. I did veto a couple, and she ruled out some. She had first dibs on the given name, and I got the middle name. But we each agreed on all of it, and it was a done deal in the second trimester.

Archibald said...

Calvert is just too close to Culvert which means "sewer ditch." Emily Sewer Ditch Creech is the worst idea ever.

j-ro said...

you are right- he is wrong.