Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One More Day

Today is the last day before our new family member arrives. I am very ready for her to come into the world. I can't even sleep anymore because I am so uncomfortable. I can't wait to check into the hospital, they treat you so good there!
I am happy to report that Kiki is on the mend. The children are going to spend the night at Uncle Neal and Ya Ya's house tonight. I do not have to drive myself to the hospital after all. Tonight we are going to go out for a family dinner and then drop C and W off. They are excited to sleep in sleeping bags. Uncle Neal took the day off work tomorrow and they are going to take W to his Easter program at school. Tomorrow is C's last day of school before Spring Break.
Speaking of school programs, last night was Caroline's school musical. It was pretty painful. We had to sit in the very last row and William was very tired and pretty much whined the whole time. He sobbed and said " I want my sister! Take me to my sister!" We had to get up and walk around for a while. My ankles were so swollen after that!
Well, I am spending the day doing last minute things around the house and getting it the way I want it when we get home. I also need to pack the kids bags. Have Happy Easter and I will post all about the big day as soon as I can!


Nat D said...

Do the creech children need a surrogate easter bunny this year? I want to make easter baskets!!! I can't wait! I can't wait!!!

Katherine C. said...

Um, sure! Go for it! I have not bought a damn thing yet.

Annie said...

Good luck!! You are a WOMAN. I would have been surly beyond words about walking around during the school musical at 9 mos. pregnant.

j-ro said...

Good luck tomorrow Kat :)