Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sweet Caroline

Sunday, April 27, was Caroline's 6th birthday. I did not get to post a tribute to my sweet girl that day so I am going to make a list of TEN GREAT THINGS ABOUT CAROLINE (in no particular order):

1. She taught me almost everything I know about being a mom.
2. Caroline is a lot of FUN! She is always willing to try something new.
3. Her enthusiasm about everything in life.
4. Her imagination.
5. Caroline is one tough cookie. She stands up for herself and doesn't put up with crap from other people.
6. She is brave and not afraid to perform in front of a crowd.
7. She has an excellent sense of humor.
8. She is always ready to make a new friend.
9. She has a really good heart.
10. She rocks!!!

I could go on and on and on but I will sum it up by saying>>>>I LOVE YOU CAROLINE!!! I am so proud of you and you are growing into such a neat little person. You are my heart!!



Archibald said...

That is the sweetest thing I have ever read.

Nat D said...

Happy Smurfday Caroline! Love the picture!

Elizabeth H. said...

I love Miss Caroline to pieces. I especially like her artwork featuring Uncle N doing karate and Caroline crying because mommy is going to a restaurant.

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

She is so cute!

Jud said...

Wonderful words from an adoring mom. My Little One is seven and loves those dress up parties, too.

Annie said...

Caroline is a woman now. She is so cute as always.