Friday, January 11, 2008


I really have nothing interesting to say today. I had a very busy day. Dropped the boys off at school (boys being William and Risley) and then went to a clothing show. I ordered 1 outfit for each child. Then I went and met my friends E and K for lunch at Italian Pie. I graduated from high school with E and K and we try to get together for lunch as often as possible. Both are pregnant but they are due in June. Anyway, I ate a chicken caesar sandwich at Italian Pie and it apparently caused my blood sugar to sky rocket. Also, there was a news camera at Italian Pie because apparently they had been robbed the night before. I need to watch the 10 o' clock news and see if we are on it! I hope not.
So then blah blah blah I did some more errands and stuff and the after school we went and rented some movies and got some Happy Meals and C and W are now lying on their sleeping bags watching Madeline. We also rented An American Tail, which I cannot wait to watch. We have 3 birthday parties this weekend and I still have a buttload of laundry to do. My leg hurts very badly and I am going to put the kids to bed and eat graham crackers and watch I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Sorry today's post is so dull. I promise to post an interesting summer camp story soon but I am just too tired right now.
The above picture of Fred Flintstone is in honor of Jason. Some people think they resemble each other. You be the judge.

1 comment:

Nat D said...

I never put them together, but I suppose there is a slight resemblance! And my word verification right now looks dangerously close to a mixture of sex and lesbian. (lexsb)