Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bowl Cuts for Everyone!

Today was a pretty good day. I must say, I have been feeling a lot less surly lately. I might have to rename my blog. Nah, I am sure there will be much surliness in the months to come when we have to pack up our house, sell it and find a new one.
In case you are interested, William's check up went just fine and he is as healthy as a horse. He is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th for height, he is a strapping young man. And the best part is, he did NOT have to get any shots. He left the office with a smile, a sticker with a lizard on it and a green lollipop. We also brought home some High School Musical stickers for Caroline to put on her folder. Dr. Traci did not have on an interesting outfit and I could not see if she had her toe ring on. I did not tell her that I still let William have a pacifier, but she agreed with me that now is not the time to potty train Weebs since we have a new baby coming and a move on the horizon. I won't brag about how smart William is but let's just say that he is pretty darn smart for a 3 year old and Dr. T was impressed with some of his skills.
In other news, Caroline got a new booster seat and the pattern is called "Tiffany". It is flowered and very sexy.
Tomorrow is KIKI'S 68TH BIRTHDAY!!! We are going out to dinner to celebrate. A complete stranger is coming over to baby-sit my children but I am cool with that. I am very much looking forward to an adult dinner. Hell, I might even have a glass of wine. Some of you might be wondering if Kiki was born with her bowl cut. The bowl cut is at least 32 years old, maybe more. There are photos of Kiki sporting the bowl cut while I am in utero. I posted a picture of Toni Teneille because that is the bowl cut that inspired Kiki to get hers. Except TT went on to other styles and Kiki did not. Oh well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIKI!
Tomorrow is also Grandparents Day at Caroline's school and my 30 week appt, with Dr. K. I'll let you know how everything goes.


Elizabeth H. said...

I did not realize that Tennille was the inspiration for Kiki's cut. I am so glad to kow the history behind the bowl.

Nat D said...

I can't believe you didn't know the history of the bowl cut! Duh! My word verification word is "lizord". Happy Birthday Kiki; that was an excellent post, Khaki!

Katherine C. said...

Yes, Toni Tennille was the "bowl cut that launched a thousand ships" so to speak.

j-ro said...

Too bad it wasn't Shirley....

Anonymous said...

Ah, Kiki's bowl cut. If she changed it, would the moon fall out of orbit?