Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Randon Thoughts

1. Wahoo! The kids went back to school yesterday! Caroline was so excited to go back, she flew out of bed in the morning. William was angry that I would not let him bring his Hot Wheels to school. Risley was happy to go back as well.
2. I need to go wash towels ASAP.
3. I still need to clean my damn bedroom.
4. I met with a nutritionist yesterday for my GDGD (gosh darn gestational diabetes). Although, she told me that my test results were really not bad and most dr's would have probably overlooked them. But not Dr. K!!! Dr. K takes good care of his patients. I am still convinced he saved William's life. Go Dr. K!!!!!
5. I really do need to make some lifestyle changes. I am a pretty gross eater, I know this. And I don't exercise at all. Well, I had JUST started exercising and had joined the Y when I got pregnant. I had some cute outfits and a new pink IPOD. But then I was too nauseous to exercise for several months. But now I am supposed to walk for 30 minutes a day, twice a day. Okay. I am 32 now so it is time to get my behind in gear.
6. I have soooo many thank you notes to write.
7. I found the CUTEST baby blanket yesterday at Target... it is sage-y green and has a little giraffe and a palm tree and a monkey on it. I am going to get Baby Marshall's name put on it and give it to him as a gift.
8. I am planning Caroline's birthday party now because I know once the baby arrives in March, I will be super busy. Can I just say it is going to be the most fun party a 6 year old girl ever had?
9. Jason would be very upset if I did not mention... GO TIGERS!! (I refuse to say Geaux)
10. Okay, I reeeaaaaalllllly need to get off the computer now and go clean and wash towels. And walk for 30 minutes. And fill my car up with gas and go to the bank. And pick up Caroline from school. And walk again for 30 minutes. See how my day can just fill up?


Nat D said...

Khaki, I'll walk with you if you want me to. That way we could hang out and stuff. I'll also help with Caroline's birthday party, because I love that shiat!

Archibald said...

KPEC, I wish I could walk with you, but I've got two problems. 1. I live in New Orleans, and going to BR would be a little out of the way. 2. I'm "reading" an audiobook (Dave Eggers' What is the What) on my Ipod when I walk and wouldn't make a very good walking companion anyway. So sorry.

Elizabeth H. said...

I really hate Geaux Tigers! Who thought of that anyway?