Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Diabetic Diet

The diabetic diet is not bad! Here are the foods I can eat:
wheat toast
Cinnamon Life cereal, my very favorite (sorry Kristin)
Apple Cinnamon Cheerios (again, sorry Kristin)
Peanut butter and sugar free jelly sandwiches (the sugar free jelly is a little blah, but not terrible)
Graham Crackers
Sugar Free Jello
Sugar Free Pudding
Coffee (Sorry Depp sisters)

I can have more stuff than that, but that is what I eat on a daily basis. My nutritionist told me that since I really did not fail the test by much, she was not going to restrict any foods. I had cake at 2 out of the 3 birthday parties we attended over the weekends and my blood sugar was just fine.

I can eat other sutff


Clinton Gene Healey said...

Good- that test is awful- they thought for sure I was diabetic because I had gained such an enormous amount of weight 48 lbs! But alas, it was all liquid-- or at least 37 lbs of it was as that was what I lost in the first month after the demon was born...

Archibald said...

Last time I was pregnant, I was told not to bury my head in sand, but that mud was okay. They had no opinion on burying my head in cat litter, inside which, believe it or not, you can sometimes find some really interesting things.