Monday, January 7, 2008

Last Day of Winter Vacay

Today is the last day of Winter Vacation and school resumes again tomorrow. Thank goodness, because my kiddos are getting very bored here at home. I am feeling cranky (as usual) this morning because for some reason I really, really don't feel like taking a shower, but I need to. I did not do any housework yesterday other than fold laundry so now I have a whole bunch of things to do today. And I think we're going to have to go to Target. This means we will spend entirely too much money because that is what usually happens when we go to Target.
My nephew Risley's birthday gathering last night was pretty fun and my newest nephew, Marshall, is an extremely cute baby. After the cake and ice cream, we went to eat at Schlotsky's with my mom (Kiki) and her friend June. June's husband Michael was also there. Kiki and June have been friends since they were freshmen at Baton Rouge High School. Apparently, June had some kind of Botox or something because she looks 50% younger than she did the last time I saw her. Kiki was extremely cranky and yelled at Caroline. I was annoyed and had flashbacks of my childhood with Kiki and her bowl cut always yelling in my face. No wonder I thought she was so mean. She has mellowed with age but she needs to cut out the yelling.
Tonight is the big! LSU! Game! and I have no exciting plans, which makes me feel a little sad. But I think it is very important to get Caroline to bed at a normal time tonight because she has to go back, back, back to school again tomorrow. Dance class is resuming as well so it is going to be a long day for us all. I wish that Jason was here and I could drink a large margarita from Zippy's and we could watch the game together.
Okay, I really need to go clean my kitchen before I have a nervous breakdown. And get this showering and Target thing over with.


Elizabeth H. said...

Do you have a photo of the Botoxed June.

Katherine C. said...

Uh... I wish!

Nat D said...


Anonymous said...

KK used to bang pots and pans around when she was enraged. And sometimes she would threaten to "just leave"...but I'm pretty sure I never believed her.

Nat D said...

KK did used to do those very things, often.