Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Food For Thought

I have never been one of those pregnant women who has cravings for pastrami on rye with peanut butter and olives or one that wakes her husband up at 3:30 in the morning to go fetch her a Nacho Bell Grande, but when I was pregnant with Caroline I did find myself purchasing and eating a lot of apples. Apples are not something that are often on my grocery list when I am not in a family way, in fact I very rarely eat them. After Caroline was born, I went back to my normal non-apple eating habits. When I was pregnant with William, I don't recall eating a lot of apples but I did want a lot of tuna salad sandwiches, much to Jason's dismay. Now here I am pregnant again with what appears to be another female (if she is actually a he, I feel sorry for him because he is missing some very important body parts) and here I am eating apples again! I bought a whole bag of them yesterday. So, does me being pregnant with a girl = mass apple consumption? Hmmmm.


Clinton Gene Healey said...

All i had cravings for with Madison was cherry tomatoes- but I have a friend who had cravings for pencil erasers...much better apples!

Anonymous said...

Well, I just wanted salads. Extra ones. Ha ha. With Josh it was watermelon, Hannah it was peanut butter (which never went away) and Lucy it was french fires...which is REALLY weird because I've never been a french fry kind-of a gal.