Saturday, January 12, 2008

Some thoughts about childbirth

Well, it is no secret to anyone that I am pregnant. Today marks the beginning of week 30. Which means my due date is in 10 weeks. Which *sounds* like a long time but when you think of it in terms of getting ready for baby, it is not all that long. My thoughts are this: will I go into labor on my own? I had to be induced with my other 2 babies. Granted, William was 2 weeks early, but the point is that I have never gone into labor so how will I know if it is labor? I also wonder if it will go fast or slow or medium (if I am not induced, that is). I had Caroline very fast (epidural did not work) and William pretty quickly too (epidural worked so it took a bit longer). I just hope that my water does not break in the middle of the grocery store or something. I guess those are my only thoughts on labor for now. My other thought is that I hope my baby will be cute. Because red hair runs in my family and I have dodged that bullet twice. Hope the third time is not the red headed charm.


Nat D said...

Khaki, your child will be beautiful, even if she is a redhead. I'm betting on a sleek dark haired baby with a mysterious dark complexion, courtesy of Em! And if your water breaks in the grocery store, worse things have happened...

Katherine C. said...

Um, Natalie, I don't think any child that emerges from my womb will have dark hair. I am one pale chick.

Nat D said...

Why does your profile say that you are in accounting in Afghanistan?

Katherine C. said...

I am not sure why but I decided not to change it.

Archibald said...

I think the tests are all wrong. You're going to have triplets, and you're going to name them Franklin, Hector and Emily.

Jud said...

Congrats on being preggers. I hope you have an uneventful pregnancy, and the you have the lovely glow that so many pregnant women get, and are a beacon of light and hope to those around you.

And that your water doesn't break in a grocery store. Or in the car. Or on the sofa.

Katherine C. said...

I hope it doesn't break in the car either, Jud. Because that would be very messy.

j-ro said...

my water broke at home thank god- BUT, that was after many many many hours in labor already- you don't hear about it happening too much in the grocery store or anything do you...i still worried about it too!