Monday, January 21, 2008

A Rant

I know I am supposed to be cleaning out my closet right now BUT as I was putting on a load of laundry to wash, I started feeling pretty SURLY and I need to get a few things off my chest.

1. If you are going to LURK on my blog, create a screen name and post comments ON THE BLOG. Don't e-mail me nosy questions AFTER reading the blog. Post your questions here. I will no longer respond to questions that are e-mailed. I know you are reading it, it is not like you are an undercover spy. But you act like you are an undercover spy when you do this and it is kind of annoying.
2. Yes, I am pregnant. Yes, we are about to try and sell our house. Yes, we are hunting for a new house. Yes, this is horrible timing and it will all be a huge pain in the ass. I know this already. I have moved (many times) and purchased a home before. It all sucks. I have also had 2 newborn babies before. Newborn babies, while cute and snuggly, are also a pain. It's fine. We will deal with it. I have dealt with it all before. The house will be sold, we will find a new one, we will move in, the baby will grow. It is going to be fine. So please, quit making NEGATIVE comments. And if I quit answering my phone when you call, take the hint that you MIGHT BE TOO NEGATIVE. And I can't deal with that right now. Duck, this does not apply to you.
3. I am planning to breastfeed my baby because a) it is better for the baby b) I did it for my other 2 babies and c) most importantly, IT IS FREE. I am not a member of the La Leche League and frankly, I hate BFing. But it is just one of those things that I do for my kids because it is what I feel is best for them (and because it is free). I know it is a pain in the ass. I have done it twice before. Like I said, I hate it. YOU DON'T NEED TO REMIND ME OF ANY OF THIS.

Ahhhhhhh, I feel much better now!


Nat D said...

Not to be nosy, but who is emailing asking nosy questions? Who is being negative? I'm excited for Baby Emily, a new house, and everything else! I will help you paint your walls whatever color Jason picks (as he is the interior decorator, no?) and unpack your house for you. I love that she-it!

Katherine C. said...

I'll e-mail you and let you know! Hee hee!

Archibald said...

I love it when you're surly. And DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU!!!

j-ro said...

people say such dumb stuff when you are pregnant. I breastfed m and k and when i got pregnant with the twins I had someone close to me (who didn't bfeed- and i don't care) say "hehe, i can't wait to see you try and breastfeed TWO."

Elizabeth H. said...

Go Khaki!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am tired of negative nonsense about your growing family. Not that anyone is sharing it with me, but we've discussed this before. I think a full minivan is a happy minivan and people that say negative things are usually judgemental and on some level jealous. I think you should serve them hotdogs with chili con carne the next time you see them. And remember, Rosemarie Fowler loves you and your bustline.

Clinton Gene Healey said...

i would love to be pregnant with a 3rd child and buying a house... I will not make negative comments but I am secretly jealous even though I can barely handle my one- I breast fed Madison and gave him formula as we was a voracious eater--whatever works for you...and formula is super super expensive...

Katherine C. said...

For the record, it is okay for any of YOU to e-mail me questions. Because you all actively comment on the blog and so it is different than just lurking like you are Stefano from Days of Our Lives.