1. Do you still have tonsils? yes
2. Would you bungee jump? no
3. If you could do anything in the world for a living what would it be? write for a magazine
4. How many tattoos do you have? 1
5. Your favorite fictional animal? Scooby Doo
6. One person that never fails to make you laugh? Maryelizabeth Forman LeBoeuf
7. Do you consider yourself well organized? absolutely noy
8. Any addictions? COFFEE
9. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? internet
10. Would you rather go to a carnival or circus? the annual St. James Fall Carnival
11. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? a teacher
12. Best movie you've seen this year? I have only seen Alvin and the Chipmunks this year and I highly doubt it will be considered the best. Last year? Superbad and Enchanted.
13. Favorite alcoholic drink? Mojito
14. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? press snooze
15. Siblings? Neal Jr.
16. (make up your own question here) Why am I such a procrastinator?
17. Have you ever gone to therapy? Sure.
18. If you could have one super power what would it be? Mind reader!
19. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? Nope
20. Have you ever gone camping? yes
21. Gas prices! First thought? Ugh.
22. Your favorite cartoon character? Bubbles the Powerpuff Girl
23. What was your first car? red Chevrolet Blazer
24. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? Not really
25. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons? Cosby!
26. Do you go to church? I used to go all the time but have become quite a slacker
27. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? Judy Blume
28. What errand/chore do you despise? Laundry
29. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? I am so freaking tired.
30. Last time you puked from drinking? I think last May when Jason and I went to NOLA for Cinqo de Mayo.
31. What is your heritage? Irish and English and Francais
32. Favourite flower? pink roses
33. Disney or Warner Bros? Disney
34. What is your best childhood memory? Camp Gulf Park
35. Your favorite potato chip? salt and vinegar chips
36. What is your favorite candy? Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
37. Do you burn or tan? I fry like nobody's busimess
38. Astrological sign? Sagittarius
39. Do you own a gun? No.
40. What do you think of hot dogs? I love them with all of my heart and soul. Especially right off the BBQ grill. This disgusts my spouse very much!